Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Finding the time

Time is like those nice chocolate cornflake biscuits you get from M&S in big tubs. You always think you've got plenty and then before you know it you're out.

Not just referring to finding time to update a blog. A blog for goodness sake! Takes what, 10 minutes to log on, spout some crap and then log off? Not just this place but time to do other things. Hobbies outside of work. Socialising. Housework! Particularly if you aren't a self-motivated person.

I *can* motivate myself at times, but find I can never sustain it. Even when I set small achievable goals week-on-week (as is suggested you do) I lose focus after a week or too. This really annoys me.

When I was at Uni I could focus on work, lectures, studying, essays etc for months on end and I actually enjoyed it. True, it was within a framework that was delivering you tasks and pushed you forward, but I feel I've lost a lot of the impetus to do work.

I want to do my own hobbies and work on games at home (hopefully with a view to striking out on my own) but I feel that I spend 8 hours a day at work staring at a PC screen and don't want to do the same at home. I've taken up life drawing classes which I enjoy, but unfortunately I'm not one of those who draws for pleasure. Yes I enjoy the final results but the actual drawing is *work* to me, because I'm a perfectionist who has to get things *right*. I want to improve my drawing, but as with games when I get home at night and at weekends I don't want to have to do yet more *work* when I need to relax.

Ideally my artwork and games would be my work. So maybe I need to leave work to do the work I actually want to do. And then in my spare time I could actually relax properly. Hmm, then again I still need to pay the mortgage...


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