Sunday, September 25, 2005

The things that make you happy

This one is going to be full of "life" stuff, so if you can't stand that crap I'd recommend avoiding blogs totally :)

Was on a bit of a downer today for various reasons. Was on my way home going through a local park when I had a "pull" to go into the restaurant. I ignored it then walked most of the way home.

Then I thought to myself "ahh bugger it" - went back, got myself a coffee and walnut cake and an orange juice. Got some nice smiles from the girls working there and on the way back I got caught in a warm shower of rain. By the time I got home I was happy again.

Doesn't change my situation but it's cool when things like that happen.

Oh and yes, I haven't posted in fages, but then again no-one is reading this so who cares? :D


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