Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Been looking into self-employment stuff recently. Seems there is a lot to know about - specifically related to VAT, Income Tax, NI and not to mention all the legal/mortgage implications of working from home.

Certainly good to know about it all, but I don't think it's something I'd do without careful consideration. And a good business plan of course :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Lacking motivation

Right, been really wanting to push myself to do more art - drawing and taking up painting again. But despite *really* wanting to do this I always end up hesitating or procrastinating or just filling time doing unproductive tasks instead.
Anybody know any good ways to self-motivate? I'm lacking something to give me a push...

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Independant game design, programming & art blog

Just FYI, I've got a second blog dedicated speficially to independant game design, programming, art, marketing and anything else useful for those pounding away at home on their very own next big thing.

You'll find it here and I will endeavour to update it as frequently as possible.

This will now be my "personal" blog and I'll try not to fill it with videogame-related nonsense :)
I will also be updating here more regularly as I am making a big push to working from home on my projects and do hope to one day go fully independant! (yikes!)