Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I've coined a new term:

APNIENCE (n) the feeling of irritation when, despite knowing you have tasks in hand, you seem to unconsciously fill in time doing insignificant and/or irrelevant actions.

Myself I've been feeling very apnient lately. I know I've got many things I should be doing: to the house, to the garden, to my career etc and I know how important they all are yet I seem to waste hours browsing the web or reading magazines. What I need is a swift kick up the arse - someone to push me to do these things when I think of them instead of writing lists of things "to do" and then ignoring them.

Yours apniently, theworm.

Monday, May 09, 2005

First post!

Hello everyone and welcome to my BLOG!

This promises to be a mix of ranting, videogames, films and which celebrity women look ugly today. But then again it is *me* doing this, so you never know what you'll get!

First link! - http://www.hungryblackbird.com - my very own web page dedicated to my games in development and a bit of fun while we're at it.
I'll add this to the side bar when I've worked out how.

First rant - feeling like you've wasted a day by spending it wondering what you could actually be doing. AARGH!

Yeah, I know, I'll post something good soon,